Outside Details AAR (After Action Report)

USA, USAF, OUSD(P), etc.
i.e. 35D/ Military Intelligence


Key duties are those that were actually performed during the detail and for whom.


Based on your experiences, knowledge, skills, and abilities attained during your detail, what benefit(s) did the Department (DoD) attain from providing a DoD employee to support this detail position? Your remarks should be as specific and descriptive as possible. Comments should address benefit(s) from an operational, strategic, and/or mission specific perspective. Comments should not address benefit(s) to any one individual.
Based on your experiences, knowledge, skills, and abilities attained during your detail, what benefit(s) did the host agency attain from this detail position? Your remarks should be as specific and descriptive as possible. Comments should address benefit(s) from an operational, strategic, and/or mission specific perspective. Comments should not address benefit(s) to any one individual.
Based on the information provided above, make a recommendation as to the validity of the position, whether the requested skills, qualifications, grade, and Service are appropriate for the major duties being performed, and whether or not DoD should continue to support the detail. Include appropriate justification to support your recommendation.

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