Detail Policy

Program governed by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1000.17, “Detail of DoD Personnel to Duty Outside the Department of Defense.”

  • DoD Executive Secretary serves as approval authority for detail requests
  • Policy does not apply to other sanctioned personnel programs (e.g., Presidential Support Program, Fellowships, DoD Homeland Defense and Civil Support, United Nations Missions, Joint Task Forces, Joint Duty Assignment Program, etc.)
  • Consistent with Economy Act, section 1535 of title 31, U.S.C., detail requests are normally approved on a reimbursable basis
  • Non-reimbursable details are approved when DoD personnel are uniquely qualified to accomplish the task and will be performing functions consistent with those for which DoD funds are appropriated, and the greatest benefit of the detail accrues to DoD

Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) exist between DoD and 14 agencies documenting recurring details

Detail Request Process

Review for Completeness:

  • Statement of Duties
  • Employee attributes (grade/rank, skills, and qualifications)
  • Proposed duration
  • Funding basis (reimbursable or no reimbursable) including rationale if a non-reimbursable detail is being requested
  • Security clearance requirements

Internally Coordinated

  • New requests and/or amendments to existing details– with GC, OUSD(C), Services, Functional Managers, Manpower, Resources, OUSD(P), etc.
  • Extensions of previously approved details vetted with the respective Service/Functional Managers only

Decision Rendered

  • ExecSec approves all requests for outside details